ENGEL MT-V80FC 75L Portable Fridge + Freezer Combi
75 Litre Combi Fridge-Freezer
The latest model is the MTV series of portable fridge freezers.
Featuring a fridge capacity of 42 litres and a freezer capacity of 33 litres.
If you want to disappear off the map and still have the luxury of eating ice cream in the tropics, the MT-V80FC is the model you need.
Features include:
- DC Power Consumption: Variable from 0.5 ? 3.6 AMPS
- Power: Built-in 240V AC/12V/24V DC
- Larger lockable door latch for ease of access
- Stronger reinforced baskets
- Five years Warranty
The MT-V80FC is a fan forced fridge/freezer with the cold air being transferred from the freezer into the fridge compartment via the internal fan located in the cabinet divider, giving you the confidence that each compartment is at the correct temperature.
Still powered by our secret weapon, the highly efficient and robust SAWAFUJI SWING MOTOR which still boasts the lowest maximum power consumption in the market.
ENGEL SINCE 1962 looking after Australians on the move.